Fences Coming Down Around Memorial Plaza at the World Trade Center

The intersection of West and Liberty streets, which will have open crosswalks this month. Pedestrians will be able to cross both West Street and Liberty Street at that intersection. Sidewalks along Liberty and West will be open and the fencing removed. Photo: Carl Glassman/Tribeca Trib

May. 02, 2014

In advance of the National Sep­tember 11 Memorial Museum’s ceremonial opening on May 21, the fencing will come down around much of the Memorial Plaza, making for easy access to the site and the lines of visitors at airport-like security a thing of the past.

And for the first time since Sept. 11, 2001, pedestrians will be able to cross West Street at street level between the World Trade Center site and Battery Park City.
Pedestrians will also be able to walk along Liberty Street, all the way from Broadway to West Street. Fulton Street from Broadway, however, will remain closed.

Later in the year there will be changes to the fence line on Vesey Street at Church Street that will provide additional space for the masses of pedestrians in that area to pass through.